Killara Distillery

Premium Tasmanian whisky and gin

Talk about family legacy and the continuity of their signature crafts, that is what Killara Distillery is all about. They are owned and expertly being managed by the very own daughter of the pioneers of whisky distillery here in Australia.

Boasting their signatures single cask and single malt Tasmanian whisky along with ever-favourite Apothecary gin, they have truly made a mark in the world from their distinctive spirits.

Genuinely produced using their own unique method, the Apothecary Gin is made by using 10 botanicals that were individually extracted in copper pots still for its ingenuity and manageability of its production. With this, they were able to produce the perfectly balanced gin that Kallara Distillery is all about.

Their very own Apothecary Gin has the smoothness that you will look for. It possesses the wonder of juniper and local Australian citruses that makes it truly unique, the Tasmanian way. Added with that notable clean finish, it is a wonder to see the gladness it leaves in the lips of customers. Truly standing for the glory of its name, apothecary.

Kallara Distillery is a testimony of the ingenuity of craftsmanship that is generated from one generation to another. An alcoholic proof that with their love and passion for craft gin, they can achieve the apothecary results.