The Grange Distillery

When you make something with love, with people you love, it tastes better.

The Grange Distillery was established back in 1823 at Bathurst NSW, when there is fresh mountain water and clear country air. The Grange’s story includes visits from famous people like Charles Darwin and Bret Whiteley, both made an impact in today’s generation.

The Grange Distillery source their ingredients locally and from their very own farm making sure to deliver the finest, tastiest, and most pure spirits. The location of the distillery also is a major factor of the exceptional flavour because of the unique weather.

Australian Dry Gin
The Australian Gin is a classic Juniper and Coriander with native Australian botanicals. It delivers an authentic aroma of Australia.

Blue Mountain Gin
The Blue Mountain Gin is a fusion of Australian botanicals that reflects the sight, smell, and taste of the mountains as seen in windows of the Grange Distillery.

Chili Chocolate Gin
The Chili Chocolate Gin is a special edition – a unique blend of chili Australian botanicals and chocolate that delivers a rich, spicy taste in senses.

What’s also unique about the Grange Distillery is that they practice zero waste commitment and water recycling system that leave no marks in the ozone.

​On a hot summer’s day in Bathurst, treat yourself with a sip on their unique gin, watching the spoonbills in the lake, breathing the fresh, fragrant country air, and listening to the wind whisper through willows.