23rd Street Distillery

Prime gin for the liberated palate

A historic distillery established in 1914 and was built on the fertile land of Riverland, 23rd Street Distillery reopens with the help of new technology bringing in new tastes and flavours. Down the Berri Estate, a pair of South Australian pot stills were recovered where it was repaired and reworked.

From the loss of the Barossa firm Chateau Tanunda, the fruit growers worked together and formed what became the Renmark’s Growers Distillery. While it stopped operations in 2002, it was once again revived in 2016 filled with a new and fresh perspective to do something new and creative. They managed to continue the traditional process and craftsmanship but are still able to produce new flavours.

Visit The Restaurant at Twenty Third Street to have a taste of their products and other artisanal goods the Riverland has to offer. Take advantage of the chill and relaxed dining experience as you enjoy the variety of food made from local ingredients and spirit flavours some of which are influenced by the different flavours of the world.

Have a full distillery experience as you can join their distillery tour and have a taste  of their creations. Have fun learning about the distillery’s rich heritage and culture as well as the behind-the-scene of the brewing process.