Pot & Still

An Adelaide based line spirits, specialising in fig gin

Pot & Still is a family-owned and managed distillery located in the Glen Ewin Estate in Adelaide Hills.
The family has a long 175 years of history growing figs in their Glen Ewin Estate. They market their products under the Willabrand name, named after and owned by fig master extraordinaire Willa Wauchope.

Pot & Still’s history in gin crafting started in 2016 when Wauchope had excess infused syrup used for Willabrand grace figs. Not letting the product go to waste, he went to the distillers from Applewood Distillery in Adelaide Hills. After many attempts to put the excess syrup to good use, they were able to create the signature Pot & Still blend.

As a brand, the distillery prefers things hand-made. The entire process, from farming, mixing fig syrup with gin, bottling, and designing, is done by hand. According to Pot & Still, this breathes life and character into their product. Getting things done by hand and the signature fig taste is what makes Pot & Still gin unique.

Pot & Still’s signature gin product is the fig gin, created with spray-free Willabrand figs, poached to release the fig aroma, essence, and earthy taste notes. The distillery recommends serving the fig gin with ice, lime, and tonic.